Welcome to Update 1.16!
The Lost Ten-Thousand.
They were one of the largest armies mustered by any faction in the world. The Dawning Sun sent them to fight the dwarven clans to their West. The entire army, however, was swallowed up by the earth -- falling prey to a trap laid by the dwarves. Those that survived found themselves in a mysterious underground realm full of new dangers. The warlike servants of the Dawning Sun ravaged through the Underworld - all to die, except for Shun.
The damage in the Underworld caused by the Lost Ten-Thousand and Shun in particular would eventually lead to the Curse.
This month's update features the next part of Chapter 4 in the campaign, the return of the industrious gnomes in the Festival of the Hive, and enhancements to Onslaught.
What's Included?
Chapter 4 Continues
- The normal campaign continues with encounters 16-30 of Chapter 4: Cursed Lands
- This month's Festival of the Hive features Staticrackle - a gnome who uses her massive radio to call in air support - beginning on March 27th!
- Two new Hero Adventures, including Hero of the Sacred Grove: Nixie
"Honor your Heroes" in Onslaught
- When you successfully complete an Onslaught encounter you will be able to select one of your Heroes deployed during the encounter (even if they were defeated) to earn additional rewards!
- Rewards will always include Laurels for the selected Hero and a chance for Shards for the selected Hero.
- Rewards will also include a chance to drop any Ascension Materials needed for the next step of the selected Hero's progression
- The drop chance of rewards increases with progress in Onslaught
Features and Improvements
- Honor your Heroes (as mentioned above)
- Added five new tiers (30 new encounters)
- Smoothed the difficulty beginning with Nightstone Refuge
- Once you've completed all Onslaught tiers, the final encounter can be replayed for Gold
- The current final encounter as of this update will be Encounter 6 of Forsaken Fortress
- As future Tiers come out the replayable encounter will always shift to the final encounter
- Honor your Heroes does not trigger upon replaying the final encounter
Other Changes and Improvements
- Improved the description of Holy Brothers to clarify the max health of the Ethereal Knights
- Improved the description of Snapping Claw to clarify that the damage is still subject to modifiers
- Removed the Power Level restriction on Forge Badges in the Daily Deals of the Shop
- Previously, Uncommon and Rare Forge Badges phased out of shop offers as a player's Power Level reached a certain point. Now when a Forge Badge appears, it could be of any Rarity regardless of the player's Power Level
Bug Fixes
- Stars above stages in the Elite Campaign should no longer shift once Daily Attempts are reached
- Encounter 1 of Chapter 4 no longer has no daily limit
- Other smaller balancing fixes and bug fixes