Welcome to update 1.10!
Grandmaster Areus looked over the collection of scrolls and tomes recently delivered to his personal library. Within their pages were the experience of adventurers and scholars, wise men and mad men, the living and the dead.
The creatures of the Sacred Grove, relegated to myths and folklore for so long, had turned out to be quite real. Furthermore, they were emerging from the Plateau, which concerned the Grandmaster more than a little. He picked up the first tome and began to skim it for any mention of the deerfolk and treefolk or the Grove itself. After all, the Order’s purpose was not only to gather knowledge, but to put it to use.
This month's update brings the second Festival of the Sacred Grove and its featured hero Cervidus, as well as new challenges with two new Hero Adventures, and changes to XP Books. Additionally, some balance changes and bug fixes await!
What's Included?
- The Festivals of the Sacred Grove being thrown to honor its defenders continue with Cervidus, beginning October 10th and ending October 24th.
- Two new Hero Adventures, including past event Hero of the Cavern Realms - Ranaklu!
Balance Changes
- Smoothed the difficulty curve in some encounters
- Agnar
- Now can equip Warrior Armor and Rings, instead of Shields and Amulets.
- Voyassa
- Now can equip Warrior Armor and Rings, instead of Shields and Amulets. (This was already changed, but was not added to the notes at the time.)
XP Books
- XP Books have had their gold costs reduced and XP values increased
- Pamphlet of Experience (Common) is unchanged
- Book of Experience now costs 25 Gold and awards 60 XP
- Tome of Experience now costs 75 Gold and awards 250 XP
- Heavy Tome of Experience now costs 200 Gold and awards 1,000 XP
- Codex of Experience now costs 450 Gold and awards 4,000 XP
Bug Fixes & Other Improvements
- Coryn's Slush ability now correctly removes both all Tile Effects and in the correct tiles
- Loot from Treasure Beach that was destroyed by Tile Effects (e.g Fire) is now awarded instead of lost
- Frog Warriors summoned by Dorga and Gix now use the correctly scaled damage on their first turn
- Other smaller balancing fixes and bug fixes